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Heian Karate Do, established in 1993 by Senpai Lee, has been a driving force for lifestyle changes in Flushing, Michigan, for many years. The dojo serves as a catalyst for personal growth, promoting martial arts as both a physical and spiritual art form that embodies a harmonious way of life. In a world filled with constant pressures, Heian Karate Do offers a sanctuary of calm and balance.


The training program at Heian Karate Do aims to take martial arts back to its roots, focusing on the practical self-defense applications of Shotokan karate, one of the most popular styles originating from Japan. Students engage in rigorous training while enjoying a learning environment that fosters personal growth and fun. Progress is achieved through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning.


At Heian Karate Do, the emphasis is placed on inner advancement above outward appearance. Martial arts provide individuals with the tools to stay present, focused, and composed even in the midst of chaos. This heightened self-awareness allows practitioners to make sound decisions in stressful situations and defend themselves when necessary.




The Kerry Schulze Scholarship Program, a community initiative that believes in the transformative power of martial arts without the concern of cost. Founded by the passionate instructor Kerry Schulze, the program aims to give everyone the opportunity to experience the life-changing benefits of martial arts.


Kerry Schulze was an instructor at Heian Karate Do who strongly believed that martial arts has the ability to change lives. It provides individuals with the tools to build confidence, leadership skills, honesty, integrity, respect, and unimaginable abilities. With a deep understanding of the positive impact martial arts can have, K.S. Training is dedicated to empowering individuals to discover more about themselves and find balance through martial arts.


The Kerry Schulze Scholarship Program goes beyond traditional martial arts instruction by providing an opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to engage in martial arts training without the burden of financial constraints. It is a community-driven initiative that aims to make martial arts accessible to everyone, ensuring that no one is deprived of the life-changing benefits it offers.


Join the numerous students at Heian Karate Do as we strive to empower individuals, foster personal growth, and build a community rooted in the principles of martial arts. Experience the transformative power of martial arts and embark on a journey towards self-discovery, inner strength, and a peaceful mind.


Remember the words of Master Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan karate: "The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of its participants."



For more information:

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Benefits of Martial Arts


Memory Retention



Problem Solving






Muscle Tone








Frequently Asked Questions...

Is Martial Arts teaching me only to fight?


No. Martial arts is based on essential life principles and philosophy that enrich each student's lifestyle. During training, you will experience life-changing physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

How much time does training require?


We know how busy your life is, so our program is designed to fit your schedule as much as possible. The minimum requirement is 2-3 classes per week which varies from Monday through Thursday, and Saturday class. And if you want to attend more? We have options for that too!

What are some benefits of training?


Self-Defense Skills

Improved Fitness & Health

Improved Self-Discipline

Improved Confidence & Willpower

Mental & Emotional Health


Personal Growth

Goal Setting

And so much more...

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